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Dancing Within The Seasons

The world around us is a symphony of change. There is so much information coming

at us continuously that it feels overwhelming at times but nature reminds me that

change is most vividly expressed in the dance of the seasons. And it is cyclical.

Perhaps more spiralling as we rotate around our sun.

Spring bursts forth with vibrant greens and the sweet melody of birdsong, even if the

rain keeps falling. Then Summer stretches out in long, lazy evenings, the air thick

and sweet with the scent of sun-drenched blooms. Autumn paints the landscape in

fiery hues, the crisp air carrying the rustling whispers of falling leaves. Winter arrives

with a hushed serenity, retreating life beneath its blanket of leaf mulch and frosty


Each season offers a distinct experience, a reminder that life, like nature, is a

continuous cycle of transformation.

Though change is an undeniable force, we often resist it. The cosy familiarity of

summer can make the approach of autumn feel like a loss. Yet, nature teaches us

valuable lessons in embracing these transitions. The trees, seemingly lifeless in

winter, hold the promise of spring's renewal within their dormant branches.

Similarly, endings in our own lives often pave the way for new beginnings. A job change,

though initially unsettling, can lead to unexpected opportunities. A relationship that

has run its course may create space for a deeper connection. A time to move to a

new home, letting go of things that no longer have value or importance in the

evolving new me.

This year Spring tried her utmost to steer her sails into motion in the Northern

Hemisphere. It was a slow, cold start and the clouds didn’t seem like they would ever

go away and the rain would ever stop falling but it has and summer has invited us on

specific days to her abundant table to feast on the bountiful of the perfect alchemy of

sunshine, water, soil and seeds. It certainly has been a most beautiful dance watching the land I now grow on burst into exquisite beauty, luring so many different bees but especially Bumble bees. Which I absolutely adore.

Just as I don’t want summer to end, I need to remind myself that missing the beauty

of winter's stark elegance does me a disservice. Learning to savour each season, with

its unique gifts, allows us to appreciate the richness of life's tapestry. The crispness

of a winter morning walk invigorates the senses, as does the cosy comfort of a

crackling fire. Spring's gentle showers hold the promise of growth, while summer's

warmth invites us to step out and explore, engorging ourselves in soaking up

sunrays and in turn reconnect us with the world around us.

Nature, in its constant evolution, reminds us that change is not something to be

feared, but embraced. By shedding the leaves that no longer serve us, both literally

and metaphorically, we make room for new possibilities. And just as nature adapts to

thrive in each season, so too have I developed the resilience to navigate life's

transitions, dancing with grace, wisdom and innocence.

And by learning to savour the seasons and with it our maturing lives, time flows

through this cycle, both within ourselves and the natural world. And through

connecting with nature we unlock a deeper appreciation for the ever-evolving beauty

of life, and to take reconnaissance of this process is a great gift to oneself – for we

are intertwined on every level in natures’ greatest dance.

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